From Programming I in C++
These are the first Machine Problems (MPs) written for my Programming I class. Due to the nature of the language we used, the MPs are not user friendly by modern standards and must be launched from a command prompt on a Windows computer.
Here is the source code for all of the MPs:
Here are the executable files only. These must be run from a command prompt:
Here are papers submitted along with two of the MPs that are used to gain 'tags' from ONU:
From Programming II in Java
These are more user friendly MPs written in the second semester. Java is the same language used in Android applications.
Collection of source code:
Demo programs (must have Java installed to use):
If a lib folder exists, that must be downloaded too.
Here are descriptions of each MP from the professor:
This is the final project of the last MP which was graded by Engineering Education students and used in the Dominican Republic:
From Net Centric Computing on Web Design
The primary languages used in this class were C# and Javascript, but lots of other languages were discussed and implemented in this class.
Visit this website ( and click assignments to see the topics of the class. Other content on the site was created by me but may not be complete.
Web Design
The following are websites designed for local businesses with the exception of the Leaple website.
That site was done for an ONU senior capstone by myself and another research assistant.
Coming soon...
Sample Documentation
These are documents I have created for different purposes at different jobs.
They are posted here to show documentation and writing style.
ImageX: Coming soon...
For help running any of these programs, contact me at (419) 506 - 1525 or [email protected]
Please understand the majority of the content on this page was made for class projects for a learning experience.
They are not perfect, but all received either 'A' or 'B' grades from the professor.
These are the first Machine Problems (MPs) written for my Programming I class. Due to the nature of the language we used, the MPs are not user friendly by modern standards and must be launched from a command prompt on a Windows computer.
Here is the source code for all of the MPs:
Here are the executable files only. These must be run from a command prompt:
Here are papers submitted along with two of the MPs that are used to gain 'tags' from ONU:
From Programming II in Java
These are more user friendly MPs written in the second semester. Java is the same language used in Android applications.
Collection of source code:
Demo programs (must have Java installed to use):
If a lib folder exists, that must be downloaded too.
Here are descriptions of each MP from the professor:
This is the final project of the last MP which was graded by Engineering Education students and used in the Dominican Republic:
From Net Centric Computing on Web Design
The primary languages used in this class were C# and Javascript, but lots of other languages were discussed and implemented in this class.
Visit this website ( and click assignments to see the topics of the class. Other content on the site was created by me but may not be complete.
Web Design
The following are websites designed for local businesses with the exception of the Leaple website.
That site was done for an ONU senior capstone by myself and another research assistant.
Coming soon...
Sample Documentation
These are documents I have created for different purposes at different jobs.
They are posted here to show documentation and writing style.
ImageX: Coming soon...
For help running any of these programs, contact me at (419) 506 - 1525 or [email protected]
Please understand the majority of the content on this page was made for class projects for a learning experience.
They are not perfect, but all received either 'A' or 'B' grades from the professor.